Wednesday 11 December 2013

My Animation

This project is about creating the animation of the continental drift movements. I made it with This project is also connected to my class's theme ( Planet Earth ). So, the plates are moving in the pangea, and so it's called the Continental Drift.
Want to know more how my animation looks like? Check out this link!

Continental Drift Animation

Monday 21 October 2013

My Holiday

I will tell you about my holiday. At the Holiday, I went to Puncak with my family.
I went to Puncak in the early morning. I gather with all my family in a porridge corner while eating the porridge for breakfast 'cause I not yet eat, and my family and cousins too.

I finally arrived at the resort where I sleep. It's called Puncak Pass.

I swam there.
I eat at a restaurant called "Bumi Aki".
I burned Marshmallows.

Art Critics

This is the video that is related to the UOI project. I'm learning to critic a painting and I make it as video. It's about George's Seurat'spainting ( An Afternoon At La Grande Jatte ). This video is the summative project for ICT.

Video Trial

This is the trial of making video. Through this project, I may choose any topic I want and this is the formative project for ICT

Monday 2 September 2013

All About Hello Kitty

This time, I will tell you about Hello Kitty. The maker of Hello Kitty is called Shintaro Tsuji. He's a Japanese people, that's why Hello Kitty is very popular at Japan. Hello Kitty is a character from a group of avatars called Sanrio. The other characters from Sanrio are Keroppi, My Melody, Kuromi, Cinamorroll, Badzt Maru, Monikichi, and many more. 

Hello Kitty is the queen of Sanrio and so on Dear Daniel is the king of Sanrio. Hello Kitty have a twin sister called Mimmy. Hello Kitty official playhouse is called Sanrio Puroland. Not only for Hello Kitty, it's an official home for all Sanrio characters. 

Thursday 29 August 2013

Sistem Peredaran Darah

 Sistem peredaran darah mempunyai tiga organ penting yaitu jantung, darah dan pembuluh darah. Jantung berfungsi untuk memompa darah, darah berfungsi untuk mengantar oksigen ke seluruh tubuh dan pembuluh darah berfungsi untuk mengeluarkan dan mengembalikan darah dari dan ke hati. 

 Sistem peredaran darah berhubungan dengan sistem pernafasan karena darah di sistem peredaran darah membantu menyebarkan oksigen di sistem pernafasan.

Ada dua jenis pembuluh darah yaitu pembuluh darah merah dan pembuluh darah putih. Pembuluh darah merah mengandung ratusan molekul yang mengangkut oksigen. Pembuluh darah mearah mempunyai tiga bagian yaitu neutrofil, eosinofil dan basofil.

Jantung mempunyai lima interior yaitu atrium kiri, atrium kanan, ventrikel kiri, ventrikel kanan, dan anterior ventrikular sulcus. Ada juga pembuluh darah jantung depan yaitu superior vena cava, batang paru-paru kanan, inferior vena cava, dan batang paru-paru kiri.

Jantung pun mempunyai enam katup jantung yaitu bilik semilunar pulmonari, bilik kanan atrioventikuler,  kordea tendinaea, bilik semilunar aortik, bilik kiri atrioventikuler dan otot papiler.

Pembuluh Darah

Wednesday 31 July 2013


Hello, my name is Kayla Aura Fabhian. I'm here to tell you about me. I'm Grade 4 now and I'm almost 10 years old. I love Japanese and Italian foods. I love to read novels. My favorite cartoon character is Hello Kitty. I like it so much. 

This is my favorite novel.

         This is Hello Kitty
And this is sushi.